Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What are the different kinds of antidepressants?

Antidepressants are put into groups according to which chemicals in the brain they affect. There are many different types of antidepressants, including: Inhibitors selective serotonin reuptake (SSRIs) The citalopram (brand name: Celexa) Escitalopram (brand name: Lexapro) Fluoxetine (brand name: Prozac) Paroxetine (trade name: Paxil, Pexeva) The sertraline (brand name: Zoloft) These drugs tend to have fewer side effects than other antidepressants. Some side effects that may be caused by SSRIs dry mouth, nausea, nervousness, insomnia, headaches and sexual problems. Tricycliques The amitriptyline (brand name: Elavil) Desipramine (brand name: Norpramin) The imipramine (brand name: Tofranil) Nortriptyline (brand name: Aventyl, Pamelor) The side effects caused by these drugs are dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, difficulty urinating, worsening glaucoma, impaired thinking and fatigue. These antidepressants may also affect a person in blood pressure and heart rate. And Serotonin reuptake inhibitors of norepinephrine (SNRIs) The venlafaxine (trade name: Effexor) Duloxetine (brand name: Cymbalta) Some side effects caused by these drugs are nausea and loss of appetite, anxiety and nervousness, headaches, insomnia and fatigue. Dry mouth, constipation, weight loss, sexual problems, increased heart rate and high cholesterol may also occur. Noradrénaline and inhibitors of dopamine reuptake (NDRIs) The bupropion (brand name: Wellbutrin) Some side effects in people taking NDRIs include restlessness, nausea, headaches, loss of appetite and insomnia. It can also cause high blood pressure in some people. Handsets and reuptake inhibitors of receptor blockers Trazodone (brand name: Desyrel) Néfazodone (brand name: Serzone) The maprotiline Mirtazpine (brand name: Remeron) Adverse effects of these drugs are drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea and dizziness. If you have liver problems, you should not take nefazodone. If you have seizures, you should not take maprotiline. Monamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) Isocarboxazid (brand name: Marplan) Phénelzine (brand name: Nardil) Tranlcypromine (brand name: Parnate) MAOIs are used less frequently than other antidepressants. They can have serious side effects, including weakness, dizziness, headaches and tremors. Taking an MAOI antidepressant while you are taking another antidepressant or some OTC medicines for colds and flu can cause a dangerous reaction. The doctor can also tell you what foods and alcoholic beverages you should avoid while you are taking an MAOI. You should not take an MAOI unless you understand clearly what medicines and foods to avoid. If you take an MAOI and your doctor wants you to start taking any of the other antidepressants, he or she must have stopped taking MAOIs for some time before starting the new medicine. This gives time MAOI clearly out of your body. Back to top Antidepressants will affect my other medicines? Antidepressants can affect many other drugs. If you are going to take an antidepressant, ask your doctor about all other medicines you are taking, including the free sale of herbal medicines and health products (such as St. John's Wort). Ask your doctor or pharmacist if any of your medicines can cause problems when combined with an antidepressant.

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